Aug 16, 2014

Be You, Bravely MOPS Year

Join us September 4th from 9:15 - 11:30 am at Eagle Nazarene Church for our first meeting of our brave new year.

At any given moment in our lives each of us has...
  • Conversations we've been putting off.
  • Reasonable risks we've been avoiding.
  • Goals we want to achieve.
Yet often times the more significant an action feels the easier it is to put it off.  We get distracted from the big decisions by the immediate needs of the day. What all of us seem to have in common is that we need a nudge, a nudge to help us get out of our ruts and routines so that we can begin risking bravely.

At MOPS we believe that you were meant to live deeply and so we have created this year’s theme to inspire you to choose the extraordinary.

Be you, Bravely is designed to help us focus on making the choices that could create the most good in our lives, help us to step into healthy risk and to do it in the context of community where we can cheer one another on.

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