Sep 30, 2014

Brave Mom Monthly Feature

To celebrate all the brave things the moms of Eagle MOPS have, are, and will do I want to open up the opportunity for you to share through writing.  One of my goals as publicity coordinator is to have a blog post go out each week we are not meeting as a MOPS group to help keep us connected and get to know each other.  I will also publish them in our newsletter as space allows.  Please consider contributing towards this effort by writing a blog entry and submitting it, along with picture(s) if you’d like, with the subject line MOPS Monthly Feature to  Here are some ideas to write about:
  • “Speak” out-loud what your “brave” is by sharing a challenge you are facing
  • Go through a chapter in the A Be you, Bravely Guidebook and share what you learned
  • Share a picture of the bravest thing you’ve ever done and write a caption or short paragraph to accompany it.
  • Share a humorous, encouraging or though-provoking personal story.
  • Share your road to motherhood or a personal journey you’ve been on.
  • Try a new challenging (to you) DIY or recipe and write about the experience.
  • Share a tip or advice to help make a mom’s life easier (organization, planning, scheduling, parenting, relationships, traveling and budgeting, etc.)

Note:  If you’d like to share a story, but prefer it not be published on the blog and only be put in our print/email newsletter or on the private Facebook group we can definitely make that happen as well, just communicate that with your submission.

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