Jun 3, 2010

Summer Playgroups

Welcome to our site! Either you are new here or are a current memeber checking out what is happening this summer...so WELCOME!
As a group we are reaching out to other moms in our community to come and see what Eagle MOPS is all about. So please join us this summer for playgroups throughout the Eagle area. Below is a list of activities, feel free to just show up and look for our group or PLEASE email us and we can connect with you before our get together and begin to build a friendship.
Our email is eaglemops@hotmail.com

June 10th-Settlers Park(corner of Meridian Rd & Ustick Rd) Meridian - Hostess: Lisa U.

June 24th-Rafiki(http://rafikiplay.com/) (6202 W. State) Hostess: Cara G.

July 8th-Merrill Park(behind St Alphonsus in Eagle)  Eagle - Hostess: Janelle S.

July 22nd-Monkey Bizness(60 N Cole Rd, Boise) - Hostess: Lori M.

August 12-Zoo Boise(http://www.zooboise.org/) - Hostess: Kimberly M.

August 26-Settlers Park(corner of Meridian Rd & Ustick Rd) Meridian - Hostess: Kim M.

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